December 19, 2017
Title changes before the year ends!
Time is running out to make changes this year!
Every year, around this time, we get a significant amount of calls from clients that now are in an “I have to rush” mode. They were advised by their tax professional, earlier in the year, that there would be a tax benefit to them if they transferred their property into a different entity than it is currently held in. In addition to a tax benefit, they would also layer their liability risk.
We have less than two weeks until the New Year and less than ten business days. It is still possible to get title changes done before December 31st. We are working on these days to support our client’s needs before the end of the year.
We work very closely with Title and Escrow companies, real estate professionals and lenders all year who refer clients to us on a regular basis. We also work closely with attorneys all over the country. In many cases, the attorney is not a specialist in this area and will refer the client to us. This type of planning requires setting up some type of business entity which we can do in the State of Nevada.
Call us immediately if you or your client needs help before the end of the year to meet the recommendations of their tax professional. Although it’s been said that “poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part,” we will do our best as a concierge service to assist you in getting this done by December 31st. Call us at 702.233.4014.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Quick Claim USA and their employees are not attorneys in the State of Nevada or in any other State or Jurisdiction. Quick Claim USA is not licensed to give legal advice and may not accept fees for giving legal advice. Should you have questions regarding any of the above items, you must seek the advice of independent legal/tax counsel of your choosing.
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